PCFTW 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition
為慶祝補天踏入十週年,我們有幸獲得置地公司免費提供展覽場地和設備,於交易廣塲中央大廳舉辦「十年補天藝術展」;展覽邀請了十位本地藝術家(排名不分先後) :李佳芯、b.wing、麥家碧、陳塵(Rap Chan)、華戈、水禾田、陳紫君、陸潤城、徐羨曾(阿徐)及容子敏參與展覽作品,類別包括水墨畫、中國字畫、本地插畫家真跡、限量印刷、雕塑陶瓷等;並特別展出已故藝術家阿虫的珍貴畫作。我們更特別邀請本地藝術家林嘉恒@無紙用工作室,為今次藝術展繪製手繪電影風格的主題海報。
Principal Chan Free Tutorial World, which was established in 2011, is a Non-Profit Organization aiming to provide absolutely free learning support to the under-privileged children who have financial difficulties. Over 15,000 under-privileged students have enjoyed our free one-to-one tutorials.
We are honored to have Hongkong Land's sponsorship for the venue and equipment for holding our 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition in the Rotunda of Exchange Square. We have invited 10 local artists, including (in no particular order): Ali Lee, b.wing, Alice Mak, Rap Chan, Wagor, Water Poon, TK Chan, Lucien Luk, Ahtsui and Simon Yung to participate in the exhibition. Ink paintings, Chinese calligraphies, original works, limited prints, sculpture and pottery will be shown in the exhibition, including precious paintings by the late artist Ar Chung. Besides, we have invited local artist KaHang Lam@No Paper Studio to design the poster for the event.
All artworks will be sold for charity and all the proceeds will go to our free learning support services. Among them, Ali Lee, b.wing, Alice Mak and Rap Chan will donate their artworks to PCFTW, and the other seven artists will offer their artworks at charity prices to PCFTW for charity sale.
Welcome to visit us and join the charity sale to help our under-privileged students!
Venue and equipment sponsor:Hongkong Land Limited
Supported by:No Paper Studio, BLINK Gallery, Seedland International Limited
日期 Date:1 - 30/4/2021
時間 Time:10:00 - 19:00(星期一至六及公眾假期 Mon to Sat, and Public holidays)
11:00 - 16:00(星期日 Sun)
地點 Venue:香港中環交易廣塲中央大廳(港鐵中環站/香港站A出口)
Rotunda of Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong (MTR Central / Hong Kong Station Exit A)
免費入場 Free admission
查詢 Inquiry:2782 2700
Artists & Artworks
如欲以信用卡以外方式購買作品,請聯絡我們(電話:2782 2700/WhatsApp:6239 5768),或在會場向當值職員查詢。
Welcome to learn more about our artists and their artworks, and order your favourite artworks in the online shop (credit card only)! You are also welcome to visit the exhibition and order your favorite artworks on the spot.
If you would like to choose other payment methods, please contact us (Tel:2782 2700 / WhatsApp:6239 5768), or check with our staff on the spot.
Charity Sale
1. 網上訂購 Online payment
Please refer to our artworks list and order you favorite artworks in our online shop. You may make the payment by credit card (remark: only full payment is accepted) simply by following the instructions on our website.
2. 即場購買 Order on the spot
You are welcome to order your favorite artworks on the spot. Order forms will be provided by our staff. Payments can be made by following the instructions stated below and as well as on the order form provided.
3. 其他方式 Other methods
歡迎買家以電話(2782 2700)或WhatsApp(6239 5768)聯絡我們,我們將有專人跟進。
You are also welcomed to contact us at 2787 2700 or via WhatsApp at 6239 5768 for other payment methods.
注意事項 Remarks
A deposit of HKD10,000 will be required for the total sale value over HKD30,000. Full payments are needed for the total sale value below HKD30,000.
Buyers can pay in the form of crossed cheques, depositing to bank or credit card. Details are as follows:
劃線支票 Crossed cheque
請於劃線支票抬頭書明受款人為「陳校長免費補習天地有限公司」或「Principal Chan Free Tutorial World Limited」,並在支票背面註明姓名、聯絡電話及「藝術展」。然後連同支票及已填妥的訂購表格交予會場當值職員(訂購表格一式兩份);或補天義師中心(地址:太子砵蘭街450號HQ 14樓B室)。
Please issue a crossed cheque payable to “陳校長免費補習天地有限公司” or “Principal Chan Free Tutorial World Limited”, and mark your name, contact number and “Art Exhibition”. Then, please send the cheque and the completed order form to our staff at the venue (forms in duplicate); or PCFTW Volunteer Teachers Centre (Address: Unit B, 14/F, HQ, 450-454 Portland Street, Prince Edward);
銀行入數 Deposit to bank
請將款項存入匯豐銀行戶口 112-311683-001 或 中國銀行(香港)戶口 012-929-000-37441,並於銀行入數紙影印本/截圖列印本背頁註明姓名、聯絡電話及「藝術展」。然後連同銀行入數記錄及已填妥的訂購表格交予:會場當值職員(訂購表格一式兩份);或 補天義師中心(地址:太子砵蘭街450號HQ 14樓B室);或 電郵至 fp@hkcnc.org.hk
Please deposit to our HSBC account no. 112-311683-001 or Bank of China account no. 012-929-000-37441, and provide a copy of bank transaction record. On the back of the copy, please write down your name, contact number and “Art Exhibition”. Then, please send the copy of bank transaction record and the completed form to any one of the following parties: Staff at the venue (forms in duplicate); or PCFTW Volunteer Teachers Centre (Address: Unit B, 14/F, HQ, 450-454 Portland Street, Prince Edward); or Email to fp@hkcnc.org.hk
場內信用卡/PayPal付款 On-site credit card/PayPal payment
Please check with our staff at the venue. Our staff will assist you to complete the online order and payment (deposit/full payment) process.
Only order forms with the signature and stamp of PCTFW will be deemed valid. Both the buyer and PCFTW should keep a copy of the order form.
Buyer should pay the balance by crossed cheque or bank deposit within 7 days after submitting the form (the date written by our staff shall prevail). If buyer pays the deposit by credit card/PayPal at the venue, we will contact you for the remaining payment process.
If the balance is not paid within the effective date, it will be deemed to have given up the purchase of the artwork(s), and no refund will be provided. The artwork(s) will be relaunched to public for ordering.
The instructions aforementioned are not applicable to off-site online ordering. Buyer who intend to purchase artworks online should follow the instructions listed on our website and make full payments.
更多詳情請瀏覽 For details:
1. 轉數快 (FPS) / PayMe
轉數快 FPS ID︰5428008
If an official receipt is needed, please email the screenshot or the donation with you name, address and phone number to info@hkcnc.org.hk, and mark "Art exhibition" in the email subject.
2. 信用卡 Credit card
Please visit: www.hkcnc.org.hk/online-donation . State "Art exhibition" in the Remark column.
3. 銀行入數 Deposit to bank
HSBC account no. 112-311683-001
Bank of China account no. 012-929-000-37441
If an official receipt is needed, please email the copy of band deposit slip with your name, address and phone number to info@hkcnc.org.hk, and mark "Art exhibition" in the email subject.