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Art Exhibition Charity Sale - Ahtsui
十年補天藝術展作品義賣 - 阿徐
註:此網站只接受信用卡付款,如欲以其他方式購買作品,請聯絡我們(電話:2782 2700/WhatsApp:6239 5768),或前往會場向當值職員查詢。
The following artist offer his artworks at charity prices to PCFTW for charity sale. Welcome to buy the artworks in this website, and all the proceeds will go to our free learning support services. You are also welcome to visit the exhibition and order your favorite artworks on the spot.
Remark: This online shop only accepts online payment (credit card). If you would like to choose other payment methods, please contact us (Tel:2782 2700 / WhatsApp:6239 5768), or check with our staff on the spot.
我們現在沒有任何商品 可以展示。
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